Dynamic Power Management - 4 State Fujitsu Disk Drive - Results
(Qiu, Wu and Pedram)
Using the results presented in [KNP02d], we have computed, for the optimal policies under different performance constraints
and for a of selection distributions (deterministic, exponential, Erlang, uniform and Pareto), with the same mean (0.72), modelling the inter-arrival time of requests:
Long-run Average Measures:
Transient Measures:
the expected power consumption when the Nth request arrives:
constraint=10, constraint=5, constraint=2, constraint=1, constraint=0.1, constraint=0.05;
- The expected number of requests awaiting service when the Nth request arrives:
constraint=10, constraint=5, constraint=2, constraint=1, constraint=0.1, constraint=0.05;
- the expected number of lost requests when the Nth request arrives:
constraint=10, constraint=5, constraint=2, constraint=1, constraint=0.1, constraint=0.05;
- the probability a request is lost by the time the Nth request arrives:
constraint=5, constraint=2, constraint=1, constraint=0.1, constraint=0.05;
- the probability, from the state where the SP is in standby and there are no requests awaiting service,
that at least K requests are awaiting service by the time the Nth request arrives
K=10: constraint=5, constraint=2, constraint=1, constraint=0.1, constraint=0.05
K=15: constraint=5, constraint=2, constraint=1, constraint=0.1, constraint=0.05.
Furthermore, restricting the inter-arrival time to be exponentially distributed,
we have computed the following transient
performance measures for the optimal policies under different constraints: