
Randomised Dining Philosophers

(Lynch, Saias and Segala)



This case study is based on Lehmann and Rabin's solution to the well known dining philosophers problem [LR81] and the analysis of this algorithm by Lynch, Saias and Segala [LSS94]. In particular, Lynch, Saias and Segala consider proving time bounds for this algorithm by making the following assumption:

  • "A philosopher in its trying region cannot wait more than one time unit before it is given a chance to perform a step."

Under this assumption, Lynch, Saias and Segala proved that the following property holds:

  • "If some philosopher is in its trying region, then with probability at least 1/8, some philosopher enters its critical section within 13 time units."

However, since we only model discrete time we cannot make the assumption given above. Instead we make the following assumption:

  • "If a philosopher is in its trying region then at most K transitions can occur between it being scheduled."
  • This is a stronger assumption than that of Lynch, Saias and Segala, and hence we consider a smaller class of adversaries or schedulers. As a result, we can prove stronger properties than that given above (dependent on the value of K).

    The model is represented as an MDP. In the following, N denotes the number of philosophers and K is as above, i.e. the maximum number of transitions that can occur between a philosopher in its trying region being scheduled. By way of example, the PRISM source code for the case where N=3 is given below.

    // Lehmann-Rabin algorithm [LR82] (dining philosophers)
    // we suppose an action takes 1 time unit 
    // an a process can wait at most K time units before making a transition
    // gxn/dxp 01/02/00
    const K;
    // ci number of steps since process last moved
    // removing trying and remainder states since
    // these are controlled by the process not the adversary
    // process can go if it does not stop one of the other processes round counter reaching K+1
    // added complication if two processes counter equals K-1, then if neither makes a transition
    // both reach K, and hence one must reach K+1 which we must disallow
    formula can1 = !((c2=K) | (c3=K) | ((c2=K-1) & (c3=K-1)));
    formula can2 = !((c1=K) | (c3=K) | ((c1=K-1) & (c3=K-1)));
    formula can3 = !((c1=K) | (c2=K) | ((c1=K-1) & (c2=K-1)));
    // when a process moves the counters of the other processes increase 
    // but only when they are not in trying or remainder
    formula count1  = (p1!=13) & (p1!=0);
    formula count2  = (p2!=13) & (p2!=0);
    formula count3  = (p3!=13) & (p3!=0);
    formula ncount1 = (p1=13) | (p1=0);
    formula ncount2 = (p2=13) | (p2=0);
    formula ncount3 = (p3=13) | (p3=0);
    module counter
    	c1 : [0..K];
    	c2 : [0..K];
    	c3 : [0..K];
    	// process 1 moves	
    	[s1] count2  & count3  & can1 -> (c1'=0) & (c2'=c2+1) & (c3'=c3+1);	
    	[s1] ncount2 & count3  & can1 -> (c1'=0) & (c3'=c3+1);	
    	[s1] count2  & ncount3 & can1 -> (c1'=0) & (c2'=c2+1);	
    	[s1] ncount2 & ncount3 & can1 -> (c1'=0);	
    	// process 2 moves
    	[s2] count1  & count3  & can2 -> (c2'=0) & (c1'=c1+1) & (c3'=c3+1);	
    	[s2] ncount1 & count3  & can2 -> (c2'=0) & (c3'=c3+1);	
    	[s2] count1  & ncount3 & can2 -> (c2'=0) & (c1'=c1+1);	
    	[s2] ncount1 & ncount3 & can2 -> (c2'=0);	
    	// process 3 moves
    	[s3] count1  & count2  & can3 -> (c3'=0) & (c1'=c1+1) & (c2'=c2+1);
    	[s3] ncount1 & count2  & can3 -> (c3'=0) & (c2'=c2+1);
    	[s3] count1  & ncount2 & can3 -> (c3'=0) & (c1'=c1+1);
    	[s3] ncount1 & ncount2 & can3 -> (c3'=0);
    // atomic formule 
    // left fork and right fork free resp.
    formula lfree = p2>=0&p2<=4|p2=6|p2=11|p2=13;
    formula rfree = p3>=0&p3<=3|p3=5|p3=7|p3=12|p3=13;
    module phil1
    	p1 : [0..13];
    	[s1] (p1=0) -> (p1'=0); // try 
    	[s1] (p1=0) -> (p1'=1);
    	[s1] (p1=1) -> 0.5 : (p1'=2) + 0.5 : (p1'=3); // flip
    	[s1] (p1=2) &  lfree -> (p1'=4); // wl and l free
    	[s1] (p1=2) & !lfree -> (p1'=2); // wl and l taken
    	[s1] (p1=3) &  rfree -> (p1'=5); // wr and r free
    	[s1] (p1=3) & !rfree -> (p1'=3); // wr and r taken
    	[s1] (p1=4) &  rfree -> (p1'=8); // l and r free
    	[s1] (p1=4) & !rfree -> (p1'=6); // l and r taken
    	[s1] (p1=5) &  lfree -> (p1'=8); // r and l free
    	[s1] (p1=5) & !lfree -> (p1'=7); // r and l taken
    	[s1] (p1=6)  -> (p1'=1); // nr
    	[s1] (p1=7)  -> (p1'=1); // nl
    	[s1] (p1=8)  -> (p1'=9); // pre_crit
    	[s1] (p1=9)  -> (p1'=10); // crit
    	[s1] (p1=10) -> (p1'=11); // exit
    	[s1] (p1=10) -> (p1'=12);
    	[s1] (p1=11) -> (p1'=13); // put down left first
    	[s1] (p1=12) -> (p1'=13); // put down right first
    	[s1] (p1=13) -> (p1'=0); // remainder
    	[s1] (p1=13) -> (p1'=13);
    // construct further processes through renaming
    module phil2=phil1 [p1=p2, p2=p3, p3=p1, s1=s2] endmodule
    module phil3=phil1 [p1=p3, p2=p1, p3=p2, s1=s3] endmodule
    // reward structure - number of steps
    rewards "steps"
    	[s1] true : 1;
    	[s2] true : 1;
    	[s3] true : 1;
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    Model Statistics

    The table below shows statistics for the MDPs we have built for different values of the constants N and K. The tables include:

    • the number of states and transitions in the MDP representing the model;
    • both the number of nodes and leaves of the MTBDD which represents the model;
    • the construction time which equals the time taken for the system description to be parsed and converted to the MTBDD representing it, and the time to perform reachability, identify the non-reachable states and filter the MTBDD accordingly;
    • the number of iterations required to find the reachable states (which is performed via a BDD based fixpoint algorithm).

    N: K:   Model:   MTBDD:   Construction:
    States: Transitions: Nodes: Leaves: Time (s): Iter.s:
    3 4 28,940 77,292 11,80531.46527
    5 47,204 135,63615,23531.63027
    6 69,986 211,34418,69132.35828
    7 97,298 304,15221,06332.75729
    8 129,254414,31825,01433.64930
    9 165,746541,90827,07233.53431
    4 4 729,080 1,876,960 76,041 317.8734
    5 1,692,144 5,035,016 121,758332.1742
    6 3,269,200 10,704,752179,714350.3436
    7 5,609,336 19,662,904242,666375.7837
    8 8,865,024 32,653,704314,314357.0738
    9 13,192,37650,438,968374,738398.0639

    Model Checking

    When model checking, we have the following requirements:

    • Scheduler-Liveness: for each time t and any philosopher Pi, there exists a time t' > t in which Pi makes a move.
    • Bounded-Waiting: if a philosopher is in its trying region, then at most m transitions can occur between it being scheduled.

    These correspond to the conditions on the adversary/scheduler with the first being imposed by model checking against only fair adversaries.

    The properties we have model checked are given below.

    const int L; // discrete time bound
    label "trying" =((p1>0) & (p1<8))  | ((p2>0) & (p2<8)) | ((p3>0) & (p3<8)); // philosopher in its trying region
    label "entered" =((p1>7) & (p1<13)) | ((p2>7) & (p2<13)) | ((p3>7) & (p3<13)); // philosopher in its critical section
    // lockout free
    "trying" =>  P>=1 [ true U "entered" ]
    // bounded until: minimum probability (from a state where a process is in its trying region) that some process enters its critical section within k steps
    Pmin=? [ true U<=L "entered" {"trying"}{min} ]
    // expected time: maximum expected time (from a state where a process is in its trying region) that some process enters its critical section
    Rmax=? [ F "entered" {"trying"}{max} ]
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    • Theorem 5 from [LR81] (Lockout Free) the model checking statistics for this property are given below.

      N: K:   Precomputation:   Main Algorithm:
      Prob0E: Prob1A:
      Time (s): Iterations: Time (s): Iterations: Time (s): Iterations:
      3 4 0.640.6410.01--
      5 0.850.8510.02--
      6 1.521.5210.02--
      7 1.961.9610.02--
      8 3.023.0210.03--
      9 3.273.2710.03--
      4 4 6.332310.09--
      5 13.52810.14--
      6 26.43110.20--
      7 45.13410.28--
      8 70.73710.35--
      9 114 4110.40--
      10160 4510.58--

      Conclusion: the property holds in all states
    • Bounded waiting: in the graphs below we have plotted these expected values as L varies for a range of values of N and K.

      plot: the minimum probability of some philosopher entering its critical section within L steps (N=3)
      plot: the minimum probability of some philosopher entering its critical section within L steps (N=4)
    • Expected time: in the graph below we have plotted these expected values for a range of values of N and K.

      plot: maximum expected number of steps until between a philosopher entering its trying region and some philosopher entering its critical section

Case Studies