//Rabin's choice coordination problem
//Amended 03/10/2010
//Ensure all tourists' do not start from same location


const N = 1; //Number of tourists

const t1 = 1; //preset configuration for tourists, 0 --> 'left', 1--> 'right'

const int BOUND = 8;//set to manage model size

//======== Records update of the left noticeboard ==================

module leftboard

nlb : [0..BOUND] init 0;//number on  left board
lbm : [0..1] init 0; //mode of nlb 0 --> 'even', 1 --> 'odd'

[t1_nlb_up] (lbm = 0) & (t1_loc = 0) & (lin = 0) & (t1_val = nlb) & (nlb + 3 <= BOUND) -> 0.5 : (nlb' = nlb + 2) & (lbm' = 0) + 0.5 : (nlb' = nlb + 3) & (lbm' = 1);
[t1_nlb_up] (lbm = 1) & (t1_loc = 0) & (lin = 0) & (t1_val = nlb) & (nlb + 2 <= BOUND) -> 0.5 : (nlb' = nlb + 2) & (lbm' = 1) + 0.5 : (nlb' = nlb + 1) & (lbm' = 0);


//======== Records update of the right noticeboard ==================

module rightboard

nrb : [0..BOUND] init 0;//number on right board
rbm : [0..1] init 0; //mode of nrb 0 --> 'even', 1 --> 'odd'

[t1_nrb_up] (rbm = 0) & (t1_loc = 1) & (rin = 0) & (t1_val = nrb) & (nrb + 3 <= BOUND) -> 0.5 : (nrb' = nrb + 2) & (rbm' = 0) + 0.5 : (nrb' = nrb + 3) & (rbm' = 1);
[t1_nrb_up] (rbm = 1) & (t1_loc = 1) & (rin = 0) & (t1_val = nrb) & (nrb + 2 <= BOUND) -> 0.5 : (nrb' = nrb + 2) & (rbm' = 1) + 0.5 : (nrb' = nrb + 1) & (rbm' = 0);


//======== Counts the number of tourists entering the left/right meeting place ==================

module counter

rin : [0..N] init 0;//number of tourists inside the 'right' meeting place
lin : [0..N] init 0;//number of tourists inside the 'left' meeting place

[t1_enter_l]  (t1_loc = 0) & (flag = 0) & (lin = 0) -> (lin' = lin + 1);
[t1_enter_r]  (t1_loc = 1) & (flag = 0) & (rin = 0) -> (rin' = rin + 1);

[t1_must_l]   (t1_loc = 0) & (flag = 0) & (lin > 0) & (lin + 1 <= N) -> (lin' = lin + 1);
[t1_must_r]   (t1_loc = 1) & (flag = 0) & (rin > 0) & (rin + 1 <= N) -> (rin' = rin + 1);


//======== controls sequence of actions for tourists' at left/right location ==================

module semaphore

flag : [0..1] init 0;

[t1_nlb_up] (flag = 0) -> (flag' = 1);
[t1_nrb_up] (flag = 0) -> (flag' = 1);

[t1_l_up]   (flag = 1) -> (flag' = 0);
[t1_r_up]   (flag = 1) -> (flag' = 0);


//======== Models the activity of a single tourist ==================

module tourist1

t1_loc : [0..2] init t1;// location of tourist 0 --> 'left', 1--> 'right', 2 -->'tourist already in'
t1_val : [0..BOUND] init 0;//value on a tourist's notepad
t1_com : [0..1] init 0;//tourist's command 0 --> 'idle', 1--> 'active'

[t1_nlb_up]   (t1_com = 0) & (t1_loc = 0) & (lin = 0) -> (t1_com' = 1);
[t1_nrb_up]   (t1_com = 0) & (t1_loc = 1) & (rin = 0) -> (t1_com' = 1);

[t1_l_up]     (t1_com = 1) & (t1_loc = 0) & (lin = 0) -> (t1_val' = nlb) & (t1_loc' = 1) & (t1_com' = 0);
[t1_r_up]     (t1_com = 1) & (t1_loc = 1) & (rin = 0) -> (t1_val' = nrb) & (t1_loc' = 0) & (t1_com' = 0);

[t1_l_copy]   (flag = 0) & (t1_loc = 0) & (t1_val < nlb) ->  (t1_val' = nlb) & (t1_loc' = 1);
[t1_r_copy]   (flag = 0) & (t1_loc = 1) & (t1_val < nrb) ->  (t1_val' = nrb) & (t1_loc' = 0); 

[t1_enter_l]  (flag = 0) & (t1_loc = 0) & (lin = 0) & (t1_val > nlb)  -> (t1_loc' = 2);
[t1_enter_r]  (flag = 0) & (t1_loc = 1) & (rin = 0) & (t1_val > nrb)  -> (t1_loc' = 2);

[t1_must_l]   (flag = 0) & (t1_loc = 0) & (lin > 0) & (lin + 1 <= N) -> (t1_loc' = 2);
[t1_must_r]   (flag = 0) & (t1_loc = 1) & (rin > 0) & (rin + 1 <= N) -> (t1_loc' = 2);

[t1_l_exit]   (flag = 0) & (lin = N) & (t1_loc = 2) -> (t1_val' = t1_val) ;
[t1_r_exit]   (flag = 0) & (rin = N) & (t1_loc = 2) -> (t1_val' = t1_val) ;


//========== Assigns a reward of 1 if no convergence yet =============


lin != N & rin != N : 1; 
