// probabilistic fair exchange [Rab81]
// Gethin Norman and Vitaly Shmatikov 2004


module parties
	mA : [0..10]; // number in the last message sent by A
	mB : [0..10]; // number in the last message sent by B
	turn : [0..1]; // who last sent a message (0- B did and 1 - A did)
	// can only send messages when d=0 (i.e. before the future date arrives)
	[] turn=0 & mA<10 & d=0 -> (turn'=1) & (mA'=mA+1); // party A sends a message
	[] turn=1 & mA<10 & d=0 -> (turn'=0) & (mB'=mA); // party B sends a message

module date
	d : [0..1]; 
	[] d=0 -> (d'=1); // future date arrives 

module third_party
	i  : [0..10]; // integer chosen
	// randomly choose integer on the future date
	[] i=0 & d=1 -> 1/10 : (i'=1) 
                  + 1/10 : (i'=2)
                  + 1/10 : (i'=3)
                  + 1/10 : (i'=4)
                  + 1/10 : (i'=5)
                  + 1/10 : (i'=6)
                  + 1/10 : (i'=7)
                  + 1/10 : (i'=8)
                  + 1/10 : (i'=9)
                  + 1/10 : (i'=10);
