// single cell in wireless communication network [HMPT01]
// gxn/dxp 5/3/01


const int N; // N - number of channels
const double lambda1=49; // arrival rate of new calls
const double lambda2=21; // arrival rate of hand-off calls
const double mu=1; // departure rate of calls

module cell
	n : [0..N]; // number of calls in the cell
	// arrival of new call
	[] (n<N*0.8) -> lambda1 : (n'=n+1);
	// arrival of hand of call
	[] (n<N) -> lambda2 : (n'=n+1);
	// completion of call or mobile departs cell
	[] (n>0) -> n*mu : (n'=n-1);

// rewards - number calls in the cell
rewards "calls"
	true : n;